Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pak Yanto

"Saya dulu tinggal di sini (Waduk Pluit), mas. Alhamdulilah sekarang udah dipindahin ke rusun, biar kata capek naik tangganya. Hehehe... Dulu jaman Bos Ahok sih enak, tiap bulan ada tuh yang nganterin daging dan sembako yang bisa kita beli cuma 85.000. Sekarang sih nol."

Friday, February 2, 2018

Bincang Jentera Episode 1: Kebebasan Berekspresi bersama Haris Azhar & The Popo

November 2017 lalu, kuasa hukum Setya Novanto melaporkan puluhan akun media sosial (medsos) ke polisi lantaran mengunggah meme Setya Novanto yang dinilainya sebagai pencemaran nama baik. Laporan tersebut menuai kritik keras karena meme Setya Novanto harus dipandang sebagai bagian dari partisipasi masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum, khususnya pemberantasan korupsi terutama terkait model kreativitas mengemukakan pendapat akibat dari majunya teknologi informasi saat ini.

Dalam Bincang Jentera episode Kebebasan Berekspresi, kami mengundang The Popoh, salah satu seniman yang sering mengkritik Setya Novanto melalui platform media sosial dan Haris Azhar, dosen STH Indonesia Jentera. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, The Popoh dan Haris Azhar ngobrol soal batasan dalam kebebasan berekspresi dan tips-tips melancarkan kritik melalui medium seperti meme ataupun komik.

Yuk, tonton obrolan The Popoh dan Haris Azhar lebih lengkap pada video ini sekarang!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

A Place To Bury Strangers Live in Jakarta

New York city based American noise rock band A Place To Bury Strangers visited Jakarta on Friday, December 22, 2017 at the infamous Rossi Musik, Fatmawati. The band, which is known for their revolting sound that encompasses the spectrum of psychedelic rock, shoegaze, and rock n roll, remains one of New York’s most sought-after underground musicians. With their high voltage concert and pile-driving setlist, A Place To Bury Strangers is burn the energy of its fans.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Weekend Hero, An Initiative by CanHOPE

CanHOPE, a non-profit cancer counselling and support service provider by Parkway Cancer Center Singapore, asked few cancer survivors about their heroes. Some of us may see cancer patients as a victim, but there is one thing that many fellow cancer patients, from all walks of life and backgrounds, approach the disease as true heroes — from undergoing extreme acts of bravery to medically survive and not give up (acting as a positive and hopeful example for others to follow)…to more directly helping others (in whatever way their background sets them up to). It is truly an amazing thing to witness and seeing it is a real blessing.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Laneige Indonesia: Refill Me 2017 CSR to Ternate

Over the years, LANEIGE has implemented many meaningful corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities globally in a continous effort to share water, the essence of life with children living in countries with water scarcity. This year, LANEIGE in collaboration with USAID IUWASH Plus and SPEAK Indonesia, will go towards supporting water infiltration wells in Ternate.